CVC DIF to acquire leading German aviation ground service equipment lessor HiSERV


HiSERV owns a fleet of more than 5,000 vehicles across 30 European airports. CVC DIF backing will support further growth in the wider European market.

CVC DIF, the infrastructure strategy of leading global private markets manager CVC (via its CIF III fund), has agreed the acquisition of HiSERV, the German market leader in aviation ground service equipment (GSE) leasing from AVECO Holding AG. The investment in HiSERV will be made through CIF III, CVC DIF’s latest Value Add infrastructure fund.

HiSERV engages in GSE leasing and maintenance and repair services through its network of workshops across European airports. It serves a blue chip customer base of independent ground handlers, airlines and airport operators. The company owns and services a fleet of over 5,000 units varying from motorised pushback tractors and belt loaders to non-motorised dollies and baggage carts. HiSERV is headquartered in Berlin, Germany, and serves over 60 customers across more than 30 European airports.

HiSERV will be acquired from AVECO Holding, a German family holding predominantly active in facility services. In 2017, the current CEO of HiSERV Roland Ückert spun HiSERV out of WISAG Aviation Service, a leading multinational ground handler and airport service provider, with a view to establish a superior GSE leasing offering to the broader market.

The company has shown significant growth on the back of strong post-covid aviation sector recovery and a focus on delivering high-quality equipment and services to its customers. Now that HiSERV continues as a stand-alone company backed by CVC DIF, a next phase of growth lies ahead as a pan-European GSE platform.  

“HiSERV has been revolutionising the GSE leasing market since 2017 by delivering premium quality at fair and transparent prices. I am thankful for the support provided by AVECO Holding in building up the company over the years and am very excited about the next chapter of growth with CVC DIF, where we can continue to enable to serve our customers to be competitive in ground handling on a pan-European level. There are significant growth opportunities for HiSERV ahead and we are keen to be supported by CVC DIF in the next phase,” said Roland Ückert, CEO of HiSERV.

Willem Jansonius, Partner and Head of CIF Investments at CVC DIF, commented: “We are impressed by HiSERV’s strong growth and relentless focus on delivering high-quality GSE and services to its customers across Europe. GSE is essential infrastructure for the aviation industry and the further electrification of the fleet will positively contribute to the energy transition of the wider industry. HiSERV is a strong platform to expand market share in the growing GSE leasing market both organically and inorganically and we look forward to working closely with Roland and his team.”

Michael C. Wisser, CEO at AVECO Holding, added: “I am proud of HiSERV’s growth path, driven by a strong team of dedicated people and their unwavering focus on customer excellence. The company is now ready for its next phase of growth to make its high-quality services available throughout the whole of Europe and CVC DIF is the perfect partner to make this happen.”

The transaction is subject to customary regulatory approvals and expected to close in Q3 2024.

WISAG Mitarbeiterin Jana Eggert

Leiterin Externe Kommunikation, WISAG Dienstleistungsholding SE

Jana Eggert
+49 69 505044-362

About HiSERV

HiSERV is the German market leader in ground service equipment (GSE) leasing with a strong European foothold. Since 2017, HiSERV provides customers with the best possible fleet design at airports to optimize, and thus save, elementary resources in the long term. This is done by offering premium quality, great flexibility, and smart GSE at a fair and transparent price. The large fleet of over 5,000 units are an essential part to the aviation infrastructure.

For more information, please visit:


CVC DIF (formerly DIF Capital Partners) is a leading global mid-market infrastructure equity fund manager.

Founded in 2005 and headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, CVC DIF has c.€18 billion of infrastructure assets under management in energy transition, transport, utilities and digitalisation.

With over 240 people in 12 offices, CVC DIF offers a unique market approach, combining a global presence with the benefits of strong local networks and sector-focused investment capabilities.

CVC DIF forms the infrastructure strategy of leading global private markets manager CVC. This partnership allows CVC DIF to benefit from CVC’s global platform, with 29 offices across five continents.

For more information, please visit or follow us on LinkedIn

About AVECO Holding

AVECO Holding is a non-listed stock corporation. It unites the business areas of WISAG with WISAG Facility Service as a full-service provider for real estate services, WISAG Industry Service as a specialist for support services for industry and WISAG Aviation Service as a full-service provider for ground handling services. AVECO Holding is family-owned and located in Germany.

For more information, please visit:

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